TAWGS April 2015 Minutes
Vice President Chris Newell called the meeting to order due to absence of President Tom Platis.
An attempt to contact the President of Topeka Beautification was made to address the possibility of combining the garden and pond tours as one, but no return contact was made. It was decided to have the pond tour on the last weekend of June as it has been in the past. Jim Green made a motion to hold the pond tour on June 27 and 28, the motion was seconded by Don Taliaferro. Motion carried. The hours will be 9:00 to 4:00 on June 27 and 12:00 to 4:00 on June 28. Don T. reported there are 4 to 6 ponds that are possibilities for the tour. Chris N. said he could make flyers and notices for the tour. Suggestions were made to use different medias for getting word out about our pond tour, such as , Wednesday Extra in Capitol Journal, radio, etc. It was suggested that a big push be made at next years Kansas Garden Show for folks who would like to have their ponds on the tour.
Don Taliaferro made a motion to approve the minutes from March 2015 as published in the Lilypad. Jim Green seconded this motion. Motioned carried.