A Place to Ponder


Topeka Area Water Garden Society

News Stream

 The Topeka Area Water Garden Society is having our 31st annual Pond Tour on June 25-26th. Explore seven local gardens, five are private residences, two are public gardens. Meet the owners, learn about water gardening under various conditions, and get ideas how to transform your own backyard. Tickets are $8 a person (kids under 14 are free, no pets please), and can be purchased from: Don & Tom's Bait & Tackle, Hy-Vee, Jackson’s Greenhouse, Patio, Pool & Fireside, Skinner Garden Store, and Wild Bird House. Money raised from the tour is used to help build or maintain water gardens in our community.

Next Meeting

Our March TAWGS meeting will be this Wednesday the 19th at 7pm at Ward-Meade and we'll have Brad Cheney of Nature's Image Aquatic Design with us to share his recent projects with us. Brad spent some of the winter in South Africa enjoying the Southern Hemisphere's summer while working on a big assignment. Come and get some inspiration!  Hope to see you there.







June   6 Master Gardener Presentation at TSCPL, 7 PM— Garden Photography 7pm (TSCPL)
    13 Master Gardener Presentation at TSCPL, 7 PM— Low Water and Drought Tolerant Plants 7pm (TSCPL)
    15 Topeka Rose Society—Rose Show
    15-16 Topeka Beautification/Keep America Beautiful Garden Tour


Monthly Meeting - Annual Pot Luck 6:30pm
    27 Weed Elimination Day Ted Ensley Gardens, Meet at 37th and West Edge Road 9am-12pm
    29-30 Pond Tour 2019


Do you have an interest in water gardening?

If you have a passion for ponds, fish, plants, or landscaping, we invite you to join us for our next meeting. Becoming a member is certainly worth pondering!