Annual Fish Fry and Potluck Dinner
A big, big, big thank you to Bob and Cheryl Saathoff for hosting and providing delicious fish for the annual June fish fry. The setting was as wonderful as the food. Don and Ruth Taliaferro assisted the Saathoffs with the potluck.
President Tom Platis called the meeting to order. The treasurer's report showed a beginning balance of $2211.30 with an outflow of $518.79 making an ending balance of $1692.51.
The minutes from the previous meeting were approved with a motion from Sandy Reiger and seconded by Tom Routh.
Ray with Ward Meade Garden talked about the Memory Garden progress. A bubbling rock has been put in place. There are plans for a new arbor and a sitting area. A hosta garden will be constructed on the north side of the building with Hostas of the Year since 1995 to the present. Memorial bricks will be sold to members of different clubs using the facility and employees of the park. Large bricks will sell for $250 and usual size bricks for $50. Proceeds go to the park.
Chris Newell told us a little about the aquaponics project associated with the Trash Mountain Project. He could take our group on a tour of the facility if interested.
Don Taliaferro spoke about next year's pond tour. We need to start finding ponds to be on the tour now. The Kansas City club has invited us to be a part of their tour next year if we so desire. The KC club also invited us to tour their ponds this year with a discounted price.
Bob discussed combining our club with Topeka Beautification for our tours next year or possibly combining the two clubs. It was decided to table this until the next meeting.
Don made a motion to adjourn with Dale Jirik seconding the motion.