At the November meeting, TAWGS elected the following individuals as officers for 2012: Don Taliaferro, president; Bob Saathoff, vice president; Amy Thompson, secretary; and Jim Green, treasurer.
Thanks to Diane Gruver, TAWGS saved a few dollars by mailing the Lilypad newsletter earlier than normal in January to avoid a postage increase near the end of the month. Unfortunately, that was a one time savings, so we urge everyone who can access the newsletter from this website to do so and save us the cost of printing and postage. If you haven't already done so, please let Diane know if your name can be removed from the newsletter mailing list. If you're switching to the electronic version, you will be notifed via email when the next newsletter has been posted to the website.
Please check your calendar - it's time to sign up to represent TAWGS at our Garden Show display. We'll talk about it at the February meeting.
We're still in need of a chairperson for this year's Pond Tour. It may seem like a daunting task, but you'll get lots of help. We just need someone to oversee the big picture and keep everyone on track. Please consider stepping up to take charge. We need you!