Dave Bartles from Shawnee Co. Parks and Recreation, gave TAWGS members an interesting tour of the gardens at Lake Shawnee following our potluck/meeting in September. The vivid colors of all the beautiful flowers were just awesome. It doesn't seem to matter what season, there are always beautiful flowers blooming everywhere.
Dave said that almost all of the gardens are now under an irrigation system which really saves time for them by not having to drag hoses every place. This fall they are going to run new sidewalks in the south part of the gardens.
The "drive-in" gazebo (tongue in cheek) has been temporarily repaired for now with new pieces to be added later to repair the structural damage.
Bill Riphian gave a very interesting program on the history of the Topeka Parks and Recreation Department of Topeka. He has been with the department for 24 years so has seen a lot of changes during that time.
Bill showed wonderful slides of old pictures of the parks, swimming pools, Ward Meade Mansion and other aspects of the parks. Several TAWGS members could remember some of the things that he talked about as they lived in Topeka during that time.
Bill said that Gage Park was about 3 miles out in the country when the land was given to the city. A lot of the work on Gage Park was done during the depression.
Don Taliaferro called our meeting to order with self introductions. Don asked if anyone was interested in representing TAWGS at the Garden Council. Their meetings are the first Monday of most months at 9:00 a.m. here at Old Prairie Town.
Diane Gruver suggested we check with Master Gardeners for possible speakers for upcoming meetings.
Motion was made by Bob Saathoff to approve minutes of our April meeting as written in the Lily Pad. Don Regier seconded. Motion carried.
Don Taliaferro called our meeting to order with self introductions.
Bob Saathoff introduced our speaker, Carroll Morgenson, who is president of the Garden Council. Carroll was a landscape architect for KDOT for many years. The Garden Council includes all the Garden Clubs of Topeka. Their purpose is to help clubs and members in their gardening. Meetings are at Old Prairie Town on the First Monday of most months at 9;00 a.m. There are representatives from each club that attend, however at present, TAWGS doesn't have anyone representing us. Anyone can attend. Their main fund raiser of the year is a plant sale at Fairlawn Plaza, which is April 30. The Council helps with projects, mainly at Old Prairie Town and also other places when needed.