The 24th Annual Topeka Area Pond Tour was a Success... Thank you Topeka

to elaborate water falls, the Pond Hosts were so gratious and eagarly greeted thier visitors explaining how the feature came to fruition. Some where a labor of love by the home owners while others were constructed from one of the many pond erectors we have in the Topeka area. It was obvious the hosts enjoyed explaininng the process and some ended up offering to visit the guests home to discuss options. I even witnessed a Host providing a rooted starter the guest took home.



All our Pond Hosts went the extra mile to make sure everyone was pleased. But then, thats what the Topeka Area Water Garden Society is all about. People sharing and enjoying the beauty of Ponding. If you want to learn more about pondng or get invloved, feel free to join one of our monthly meetings held every 3rd Wednesday of each month. Check this site prior to coming becasue the location can change.