May meeting minutes

Treasurer Jim Green reported we have $1,684.94 in the bank. Tom Routh made a motion to approve the treasurer's report. Pat Routh seconded. Motion carried.

TAWGS received a letter from the Dept. of Parks & Recreation thanking us for our $100 sponsorship of a tulip bed during Tulip Time.

TAWGS received an e-mail from the Brickyard Barn Inn wondering if the board members would like to meet there and/or have another pot luck there like we had a few years ago. A date was set for August 21st or 14th to have a members pond tour and end up at Brickyard Barn Inn. Don will talk to them to see if either of these dates are available.

Ray Schroeder said to thank those who helped clean Anna's pond. Also, Ray wants us to set up a schedule for weeding beds around all the water features. Mary Weaver said she would be in charge of this but rather than have a list, Mary said whoever wants to show up on Saturday mornings can, but we should keep track of the time and report it to Mary to go against our debt with Parks & Recreation.

TBA will not be having a garden tour this year so it is possible the TAWGS pond tour will have more people. Mary Weaver said we have six ponds plus a bonus pond plus Waterscapes, who will be giving out a free hot dog and drink when you show your tour ticket like they did last year. Mary said she is sending a letter to the people on the pond tour inviting them to our June meeting which includes a fish fry and pot luck.At that time they can pick up their signs and flags.

Our June meeting will start at 6:30 and everybody should bring a side dish and table setting as in the past.
Mary Weaver said we would need pond sitters, but just for Saturday, July 9th. If we get enough volunteers the time will be divided into 2 hour shifts. Linda Klem said she will call club members to see who could pond sit.

Mary Weaver said the owners of where Puddles & Pads used to be wants to tear down the pond in front of the store so they can fill in the space with dirt and plant grass. If we can get the volunteers to do this, we can keep all the material which we could use for a future project. Mary will check with them to see when we could do this and then get back to us at the next meeting.

Kip Walker is still doing business out of his garage so if anyone needs any pond supplies you can call him and see if he has what you need. He will give members a discounted price.

Tom and Pat Routh volunteered to do refreshments for the June meeting.

Jim Green made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mary Weaver seconded. Motion carried.