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Gerald Binkley updates TAWGS on TBA projects

Gerald Binkley gave a nice presentation about upcoming projects as well as projects that have been done in the past. TBA has donated over $9,000.00 to W/M Park for landscaping projects in and around the water features that were put in by TAWGS. Membership and participation are down at TBA, so Gerald said that they are changing their meeting time to evenings to accommodate more people and to try to build up membership for the club.

The most recent project belonging to TBA is a large flower bed and arbor that will be located just North of the greenhouses and East of Snyder's cabin in Gage park. He had a rough drawing he shared with the group that showed a large arbor that will be an entrance to the gardens and the beds will include several large flower beds that will, in a series of phases, take up most of the grassy space west of the Rock Garden Pond.

TBA (as well as TAWGS) is working to make Topeka a destination for tourism to see the various water features and botanical gardens. In the past, bus tours came to Topeka from other cities and states to tour the gardens at tulip time and while they were here, visited other locations throughout the city. TBA would like to grow this tourism business.