April 2105 Meeting Minutes
No treasurer’s report was given due to absence of treasurer Jim Mowder. Report was emailed to secretary Sherry Reed but was not retrieved in time to report at the meeting.
Chris N. has created a new membership list and Sandy Rieger will begin to make contact with those who have not been active for a while to gain some insight at what might be helpful to peak their interest in TAWGS again. It was also suggested to make contact with organizations that TAWGS has built ponds for (i.e., VA. Midland Hospice House, Wildlife and Parks, etc.)to see if they need any help and invite them to one of our meetings. A membership drive could be a possibility using VISTA print and the USPS direct to box program which could generate postcards and delivery for a minimal fee.
Chris had talked to ADAPA storage facility about trading storage for a water feature but they are not interested in doing that at this time.
Sherry R. will send thank you notes to Dennis Lowry for birdhouses used at Kansas Garden Show and Mr. and Mrs Joe Desch for donating fish used in ponds at the VA, Parks and Wildlife and Ward Meade.
Ward Meade will have volunteer opportunities every Tuesday from 8:30 to 11:00 a.m . Don T. volunteered Bob Saathoff to collect volunteer hours for TAWGS members to be turned in to volunteer coordinator.
Don Taliaferro made a motion to adjourn. Remaining six attendees seconded this motion.