A Weaver's tale... the Garden Show project
a poem by Mary Weaver
"Would you be our leader?" Bob Saathoff did ask.
I replied... "What all is involved in this great task?
"Schedule some meetings, get people together...
Everyone will help in this garden endeavor...."
Reluctantly I replied; "this could be fun - I accept!"
And several weeks into it, oh how I wept...
You've done it now, bit off more than you could chew!
This project will require much more than just a few...
TAWGS members & vendors kept coming; and things started to click..
I had no reason for my stomach to feel sick. :O)
We had things donated like pumps, rock & liner
Thank you Waterscape Concepts - you couldn't be kinder!!Milk crates came from Roberts dairy...
And then we heard from the TULIP fairy!
Capitol Concrete gladly donated bricks & block
Many thanks to my brother.... - MAN YOU ROCK!!
Floyd provided much comic relief...
he should be in stand-up - that's my belief.
Often he had us doubled over chuckling...
All this as we felt our knees creaking & buckling....
Allen Ellis was foreman & drove the fork lift..
Let's face it y'all - the man was a gift.
In case you don't know it - he's quite the joker...
and he was willing to give up a few rounds of poker!!!
Mary E .was often seen planting the flowers...
this was a task that would require a few hours.
With much patience, she carried out each task,
willing to do anything and everything we asked.
Many thanks to all the folks from Parks & Recreation...
If it weren't for them, I'd sneak off for a vacation!!!
Finally, with hard work, it all came together...
and we had several visitors - despite the bad weather!!
My sincerest THANK YOU to all who provided talent & precious time...So many to mention, and even more difficult to rhyme.
Seriously, rhymes were hard to find for Thompson, Taliaferro & Platis...
Wait - I've got one...
They all worked hard, without any gratis.
Again, I must mention my dear brother Mark,
he was the one tirelessly fanning the spark.
He kept things going when I wanted to run...
his attitude was "c'mon sis' lets get-r-done!!!"
Without all of you who were willing to partake
the success of the outcome would be at stake.
It's difficult for me not to obsess...
without all of you there'd be no success!!
I tip my glass to all who helped in our booth
we all can relax with a glass of Vermouth.Please mark your calendars now for FEB. Two-thousand eleven
your help with this project would be PENNIES FROM HEAVEN!!
My sincerest thanks go out to all who helped out
this year (Planning Committee Members, Set-Up Crew,
Booth Sitters, Tear-Down Crew). Many of you served on
one or more of these tasks. I plan to have a follow-up
meeting to discuss what we can improve upon for next
year. I tried to mention as many of you as I could in the
poem above, however, it was nearly impossible without
rambling on for too long. Please know that if your name
wasn't mentioned, it wasn't that your hard work went unnoticed.
I appreciate everyone who helped!! THANK YOU!!!!
Again, many, many thanks for everyone - Mary.
Editors note: According to Webster's dictionary, a definition of "Weave" is: to produce by elaborately combining elements, or to unite in a coherent whole. How appropriate it was to have a "Weaver" in charge of this year's Garden Show planning! Thank YOU, Mary.