Best to plan your plants before building

debMany people do not do their homework when they build their water gardens Deb Spencer told TAWGS members at their July meeting. "People build their ponds before planning their plants," she said. Using a slide show to demonstrate her points, Deb showed various ways to landscape in and around the pond. She said you get great landscaping ideas on pond and garden tours.

Read more: Best to plan your plants before building

New pump & lighting technology

ericwoodEric Wood gave an informative program at the May TAWGS meeting about the new technology in pumps and lighting for water gardens.

"There are many reasons that a pump fails," Eric said. They may not be the right pump for the application and they perform in a harsh environment most of the time, (lots of debris, flow restriction or running dry). Up until recently, most of the pumps were designed for sewage treatment or swimming pools and were not really designed to run 24/7 under the conditions in a water garden.

"It is important to have the right pump for the right application," Eric said.

Read more: New pump & lighting technology

How to take good landscape photos

Steve Wilde, Vice President of Wolfe‟s Camera Shop gave TAWGS a very interesting and informative talk about landscape photography and digital cameras at the October meeting. Steve said he has 38 years of experience in photography, starting with a job at the department of Kansas, where he worked for our own TAWGS member Bob Saathoff.

Read more: How to take good landscape photos