Thanks for four great years

As I close out my 4th year as president and Tom Platis takes over I would like to thank all of the members.

With all the projects, garden shows, pond tours and volunteer hours put in by the members, it is hard to pick out a special moment. No one person can do the things that this group is able to accomplish.

The time spent other than at the meetings to plan and execute whatever project is done is great. I can't imagine an organization doing as many things that we have done with as few people.

Hopefully in the coming years we will add more members and continue the work and fun we have had in the past. So I would like to thank everyone for a great four years.

No speaker, but lots of excitement

Gas fumes met president Don Taliaferro when he opened the door to the meeting room at Ward Meade Park for the September meeting.

It didn't take long for waiting members to scatter to the garden area while phone calls were made to the gas company. While killing time in the gardens we heard lots of sirens and wondered what in the world was going on. We soon found out when they pulled into the parking lot with lights flashing.

It was decided to move the meeting to the old time drug store while authorities checked the premises.
We are not sure if they ever determined the odor, but most of us are convinced it was natural gas. We were happy that we had an alternate place to meet and that no one was hurt.