Members enjoy private pond tour

Perfect weather made for a perfect member pond tour July 26th. Members gathered around the pond at Phil and Amy Thompson's at 2:00 to visit and enjoy the wonderful weather. Huge hyacinths caught the attention of several people and Phil went to the compost pile to dig out the mounds of hyacinths that he had thrown away on Saturday. When they ran out, he allowed members to pull more plants out of his pond. Thanks Phil and Amy!

The next stop on the tour was at Mark and Kim Weaver's where visitors admired the pond and eyed the beautiful tomatoes in the vegetable garden nearby. Huge hyacinths almost totally covered the top pond at the Weavers so it was a bit difficult to spot their pretty koi that live underneath the plants. It must be a good year for hyacinths! The koi in the lower pond were clearly visible as their daughter fed them while we were there.

Read more: Members enjoy private pond tour